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이메일 해킹과 비트코인에 대한 고찰이랄까...


by ZelKun 2019. 1. 29. 15:18



- 메일전문



As you can see from the topic of this email you have been hacked. Our server sent this email from your own account as you can see, meaning we have full access to your system. We also know, for example, one of the passwords you used was “=========”. We downloaded all your contacts, files, data and so on to our server. Read this full email and we will tell you how we gained access to your system and what to do about it.


You visit adult websites from time to time, one of those websites was infected by our trojan virus. This virus installed itself and opened a backdoor to your system giving us full access to it. It does not matter if you change your passwords, our trojan will keep giving us full access. From time to time we activated your camera and recorded some videos of you while you “pleased” yourself watching adult content… you know what we are talking about. We recorded you and a split screen of the sites you visit. So this is what we have so far: All your files, contacts, data, the sites you visit and some nasty videos of you.


So what’s next? When you opened this email a timer activated itself and you have 8 hours from now to solve this. If you don’t follow our guidelines our server will send all the data we have on the sites your visit and the videos we recorded of you to all your contacts. Imagine the disgrace and the impact this will have on your social life!


If you follow our guidelines the backdoor will close itself and you will never hear from us again and you can go on living your life like this never happened. If you don’t, your friends, family, co-workers and so on will receive all your dirty secrets.


You need to deposit $600 in bitcoins to our bitcoin account: 12wQG8ZA3unwf21QqnG7UF8RFX1WsQ459k (copy/paste this address, it is case sensitive).


If you don’t know how to purchase bitcoins, use any search engine and type “how to buy bitcoins”. Many sites sell bitcoins instantly with your debit or credit card.


Our system will monitor this bitcoin address for any transactions, when your transaction comes in time, it will destroy all the data we have of you and close the backdoor on your system. You can resume your daily routine and you will never hear back from us again.


Your time is accounting!


계속 무시하고 있긴했지만 끊임없이… 오고있는 메일이 해킹당했다는 메일…

실제로 파란메일에 사용했던 패스워드가 메일에 적혀있어 놀라긴했지만…


보통 메일이 해킹당했다고 하면 무서운일이겠지만…

메일 도메인이… 머나먼옛 파란.com 메일이라…


해커의 요구는 단순하게도 비트코인으로 600$ 송금하라고 한다

잊을만 하면 생각나게 해주시는군… 비코 대란일때 편입했던 1인으로.. 손해를 보고 손절해야했던게

떠오른다… 망할… 한참 오르고있어 추가매수했더니 뉴스나고 폭락…

추가매수만 안했어도…. 계속 수익일텐데…. ...


그리고 결정적으로 비코를 보냈다고 쳐도 메일은 계속올것이다.

읽고 무시한게 수십번은 되는것 같은데… 계속 온다는게 함정…


실제 몇달간 받았던 메일내용이 비슷하긴하지만 결정적으로 지갑 주소가 다르다…

한놈만 보내는게 아니란 소리니….


괜히 겁먹지말고 걱정되면 pop/smtp 설정 차단하고, 요즘에는 해외 로그인차단기능을 지원해주니

이를 이용하면 같다.


친절하게도 메일을 읽은시간 이후로 8시간은 안보내겠다고 하시니

그전에 탈퇴를 하던, 위에 쓴 데로 로그인 차단을 시키면 된다.


다만 실제로 해킹에 성공하셔서 동영상이 있다면 흠좀무… 이겠지만….

괜히 낚여서 돈만 날리지 말고 읽지 않으면 카운트도 안할테니 상관없을지도 모르겠다

근데 수신확인기능 넣어서 추적 루트를 남겨 놨을리가….


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